Kick him out! Maulana said saluting the flag is a great sin, and blood boiled after hearing such things about the country


One such video is going viral on social media, after watching which our blood will boil.

Many types of videos often go viral on social media. Many of these videos are such that after watching them we are forced to laugh out loud. There are many such videos that after watching them we become emotional. There are also many such videos that after watching them our blood boils. One such video is going viral on social media.

What is in the viral video?

In the viral video, Maulana is saying that saluting the flag is a sin. Standing up during the singing of the national anthem is a shirk. He does not stop at this and goes on to say that wherever the national anthem is sung, I do not stand, I sit. If you give more importance to these than namaz, then this is the biggest sin of today's times. What are you all doing?

People got angry

People got angry after watching this video. Various comments are being made on social media. One user has written that they can never belong to the country, for them their religion comes first. Another user has written that that is why their loyalty is doubted. One user has written that such people should be immediately chased away from the country whose flag they salute.


Disclaimer: This content has been sourced and edited from inkhabar. NC neither claims nor support or take responsibility for this information.