In this place, as soon as the daughter grows up, the father makes her his bride


Unique Marriage Tradition: A father first nurtures his daughter from childhood, then as soon as she grows up, he makes her his bride. 

Unique Marriage Tradition: This world is so colourful that sometimes we get to hear and see such things which we cannot believe, but these things are true. There are many customs in the world which people believe and follow. 

At the same time, there are many such bad practices which people have been following for years and which are hollowing out the society. One such practice is followed by the Mandi tribe of Bangladesh, you will be surprised to hear about it. 

The father marries his daughter

This is a very strange custom of the Mandi tribe. Here a father first nurtures his daughter from childhood, then as soon as she grows up, he makes her his bride. Men of the Mandi tribe marry widows when they are young, and then their daughters marry them. 

This tradition has been going on for centuries

In fact, when a man marries a young widow in this community, his stepdaughter also becomes his wife. She calls him father since childhood, but when the girl grows up, that man becomes her husband from father. According to information, this bad practice in Bangladesh is not from today but has been going on for centuries. 

For this evil practice, it is necessary for the father to be a stepfather. When a second man marries a widow, he later makes the daughter from her first marriage his wife when she grows up. 

Instead of calling father 

they call husband. The reason given for this bad practice is that at a young age, the husband can protect both his wife and daughter for a long time. Due to this practice,

the lives of girls of the Mandi tribe have been ruined. Whereas, the person whom they call their father since childhood, they are forced to call him husband. 
