Government Jobs: Apply for this recruitment today itself, last date is near

Apply today for the recruitment to the post of Sub-Inspector in Delhi Police and various Central Armed Forces like BSF, CRPF, CISF, ITBP and SSB. Staff Selection Commission has given the opportunity to apply for this recruitment on a total of 4187 posts till 28 March 2024. Graduate candidates who are 25 years of age can apply.
This is the recruitment details
Name of the posts: Sub-Inspector
Total posts: 4187
Last date of application: 28 March 2024
Age Limit: Candidates who are 25 years of age can apply. Get information about age relaxation from the notification.
Apply this way: Candidates should apply for this recruitment after getting complete information from the official website.
Selection will be done as follows: Candidates will be selected as per rules.