After giving sleeping pills to her mother, the daughter did such a thing; you will be shocked to know!


A teenager in Lucknow mixed sleeping pills in her mother's food for three months to talk to her on Instagram. The secret was revealed after the mother's health deteriorated, and counselling continued.

A teenager in Krishnanagar, Lucknow, considering her mother an obstacle, kept mixing sleeping pills in her food for three months so that she could talk to a boy from the neighbourhood on Instagram without any fear. This incident was a big shock not only for the family but for the entire neighbourhood and society. The teenager kept chatting on Instagram day and night, putting her mother in deep sleep, until her mother's health deteriorated.

Love has made me do such a thing

The teenager said that when her mother stopped her from talking to the boy on Instagram and stopped her from using the mobile, she started mixing sleeping pills in her mother's food to make her sleep. She used to put three to four pills in her mother's food every day to make her sleep deeply. When the mother's health continued to deteriorate and weakness, fatigue, and problems of deep sleep increased, the family contacted the doctor.

Mother revealed the secret

The doctor said that the woman's body was consuming excessive sleeping pills, whereas the woman had never taken such medicine herself. When the family questioned the teenager strictly, she revealed the whole truth. On this, the family got the teenager counselled at Lokbandhu Hospital, and now she is on the path of improvement.

Lokbandhu Hospital's One Staff Center Manager Archana Singh said that the teenager was misled by the boy on Instagram. During counselling, the teenager was told to use the phone only for studies and avoid unnecessary chatting with anyone. Now her counselling is going on, and it is hoped that she will soon return to the right path.

Advice for parents about spending time with their kids

Archana Singh said that we need to learn from this incident that parents should spend more time with their children. Nowadays parents are not able to give time to their children and they themselves are busy on their phones. It is important to explain to children that they should limit their mobile usage and focus on spending time with their families.

PC: Asianetnews