The judge was also crazy about Sridevi, he called the actress to court just to catch a glimpse of her.


Sridevi is such a name and personality that people are crazy about her even today. The actress may not be in this world anymore, but there is no dearth of her fans. Fans still watch her films with the same interest. But there was a time when the crowd of people would go out of control to get a glimpse of her. Not only common people were her fans, but big stars and even magistrates used to be fans of Sridevi. That is why the magistrate had sent a summon to the actress to get a glimpse of her and ordered her to come to the court herself. Let's know what that story is.

Senior advocate Majeed Menon has handled high-profile cases of many celebrities. He has written about his 50-year journey in his autobiography and has shared many stories related to celebrities in it. He has also represented Sanjay Dutt in the case of Gulshan Kumar's murder and the Bombay bomb blast case. In his book, he has also talked about the connection between Bollywood and the underworld.

The judges were also eager to see Sridevi

Recently, during one of his interviews, Majeed Menon had told that he has written many stories in this book, but there is one story which he has not written. That story is related to the late actress Sridevi. Although he has not shared much details related to this case, but he has told that the judge himself had ordered him to appear in the court to see Sridevi. Majeed Menon said, "Once I was pleading a case of Sridevi. At that time she was one of the top actresses of the industry. People used to be crazy to get a glimpse of her. Even the magistrate was crazy about her."

It was difficult to stop the crowd

Majeed Menon further said, “When I applied for exemption in this case, I was refused. The judge sent a summons and said that your client will have to appear in person in this case, because the judge wanted to see her. When she finally came to the court, the crowd had gone out of control. It became difficult to stop the crowd at that time.”