Walchand Hirachand Doshi: India's first car factory set up 'Udaan' to India, the story of Transportman of India

Founder of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited: Walchand Hirachand Doshi was born in 1882 in a well-known family in Solapur, Maharashtra. Initially, he used to sell cotton and give money on interest.
Walchand Hirachand Doshi Profile: Often there are people in the world whose family has a accumulated business but despite this, they have a passion to do something different. He is not afraid of challenges. One such genius businessman was Walchand Hirachand Doshi, who set up India's first car factory. He is also known as the 'Father of Transportation in India'. He was not only the founder of the Walchand Group, but he also established the modern shipyard and the country's first aircraft factory.
He was born in a well-known family.
Walchand Hirachand Doshi was born in 1882 in Solapur, Maharashtra. Initially, he used to sell cotton and give money on interest.
He completed his matriculation from the Solapur Government High School in 1899 and obtained a BA degree from the University of Mumbai.
For a few years, he took over the family business. But then he realised he wasn't interested. So he left the family's business and became a railway contractor and entered the field of construction by partnering with a former railway clerk. Even though many Indians are not aware of his name, he established many big industries.
Established many large industries
Walchand Hirachand Doshi is known for his far-sighted thinking and ambition. He was an influential and successful businessman of his time. He is credited with setting up many other industries such as sugar and textiles, power and chemicals. He founded Hindustan Aircraft Limited (HAL), India's first aircraft manufacturing company. Today this company is known as Hindustan Aeronautics Limited.
Today, the market cap of this company is about Rs 3 lakh crore. Many people have made big money by investing money in stocks. Later, the government bought a majority stake in this company and now it is a government company. Walchand was very forward thinking. He believed that India should make its own aircraft and he worked hard to fulfill this dream.
He died in 1953.
Initially, HAL repaired the aircraft made abroad, but soon started manufacturing transport, trainee and fighter aircraft.
By 1947, Walchand Group of companies were among the top 10 business houses in the country. He suffered a stroke in 1949 and retired from business in 1950. He died on 8 April 1953 in Siddhpur, Gujarat.