Why do Muslims have a black mark on their foreheads? You will be shocked to know this


In Islam, every Muslim must offer Namaaz and this is his fundamental duty. It is common for those who perform the five daily Namaaz diligently to have black marks on their foreheads. Many people consider these marks as a sign of devotion.

These marks are caused by repeatedly placing and pressing the forehead on the ground during Sajdah. Muslims offer 5 Namaz a day. Over time, repeated contact with the ground causes these black spots on the forehead. These marks are not only on the forehead but many people also get marks or black spots on their knees and ankles due to sitting and offering Namaz.

There are four different positions in Islam when performing namaz: standing (Qiyam), bowing (Rukoo), prostrating (Sujud), and sitting (Tashahhud). Each position involves different body postures that show one's submission to Allah.

This is why Muslims who perform namaz and perform this procedure with full devotion get black marks on their foreheads. These marks are considered by many as a symbol of their sincere commitment to their faith and regular worship.