This is the reason why a person lying on his death bed gives up defecation, you won't believe the reason

This is the reason why a person lying on his death bed gives up defecation: – Although various types of scriptures are recited in our country, Garuda Paath has its importance in Hinduism. It is said that everything mentioned in Garuda Paath is true. In this Purana, a combined description of Lord Vishnu's devotion and his knowledge is found. Even after someone's death, the recitation of Garuda Purana is organized for the salvation of his soul, but many people may not know what is there in Garuda Purana and what is its importance. And why is it linked to death?
So let's get the answer to all your questions in this article today. Actually, what happens to the soul after death? Where does it go? What does it do? Does it get reborn or not? Such mysteries have been revealed in this and another secret is how the soul comes out of the body, so a detailed description of this has also been given in this Garuda Purana which tells how the soul leaves the body at the time of death.
It is said that when a person's death is near, that person goes into a state of numbness due to which his senses i.e. his power to speak, hear and feel something ends. That person wants to say something before dying and wants to express his feelings by telling something but he cannot do so. Even moving hands and legs becomes impossible for him. Two messengers come from Yamlok to take the soul. Their faces are so terrifying that the soul of the dying person starts trembling on seeing them.
Their eyes are big and their nails are no less than a weapon. Seeing these messengers with sticks in their hands, the dead person gets so scared that he starts passing urine and stool out of fear. At the same moment, a creature the size of a thumb comes out of the body making the sound 'ha ha', which the messengers of death take into their custody. However, many other things like this have also been mentioned in Garuda Purana, after reading which all the mysteries of the world can be understood.