This Aghori who has been wandering on earth for four ages had a Narco test done, after taking 10 pills he told the shocking truth, said Ram Krishna…


Today we will tell you about the Aghori who have been present on earth for 4 eras. Yes, he claims that he has been on earth for four eras and to find out this, his narco test was also done. 

Since the beginning of Maha Kumbh, the most talked about topics are Aghori Baba and Naga Sadhus. Everyone is interested in knowing the strange and mysterious life of Aghoris. It is believed that Aghoris also have some mysterious powers. Today we will tell you about the Aghori who have been present on earth for 4 eras. Yes, he claims that he has been on earth for four eras and to find out this, his narco test was also done. Let us tell you that writer Akshat Gupta has revealed the secret of this Aghori in his podcast.

Have been on earth for four ages

According to the information, he first appeared in 2020 and during this time he also made many revelations. It is said that this Aghori had a narco test, which revealed that his age does not exceed 40 years and he never dies. After the narco test and hypnosis, the Aghori said that he is present in Satyayug, Treta, Dwapar and now Kaliyug. Not only this, this Aghori claimed to be a part of the historical period of Ramayana and Mahabharata.

Aghori has met Ram Krishna.

The Aghori said that he had also met Lord Ram and Shri Krishna. He has come to find the 7 Chiranjivis. This Aghori called himself the eighth Chiranjivi, about whom no one has any information. After hiding for a long time, he told about his discovery.
