The woman was on the verge of death, but doctors saved her life by transplanting a pig kidney.

In a statement issued by the hospital, doctors said that it could have taken them years to find a match for a human kidney transplant, but we considered a pig kidney in the shortest possible time and then took things forward. Doctors said that even after two weeks, no such symptoms were found in the woman's body which would indicate that her body is not accepting the transplanted organ.
Operation Theater (symbolic photo)
A surprising case has come to light in the American state of New Jersey. Where a team of doctors has saved the life of a woman who was on the verge of death. The woman's heart and kidneys had almost stopped working, but doctors were successful in bringing the woman back to life using new technology.
Doctors transplanted a pig kidney into the woman's body and then saved her life by restarting her heartbeat through a mechanical method. The woman's name is Lisa Pisano. Due to heart and kidney failure, Pisano became so ill that even a traditional organ transplant was not possible.
Adopted this method to maintain a heartbeat
However, after this, doctors at NYU Langone Health Medical Institute came up with a unique method in which a mechanical pump was installed to maintain the woman's heartbeat and a few days later a kidney of a genetically modified pig was transplanted. Last month, the woman underwent transplant surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital.
After this, the team of doctors announced on Wednesday that Pisano's health is improving. Pisano is the second woman to have a pig kidney implanted in her body. Seeing himself improving, Pisano said that all my hopes were gone, I had just tried.
The first transplant was done in March
Let us tell you that the first transplant of pig kidney in a living patient was done on a 62-year-old man at Massachusetts General Hospital in March. Amidst the increasing shortage of organ donors day by day, doctors implanted a pig kidney in the patient's body. The patient has now recovered after a kidney transplant. Genetically modified pig hearts were transplanted into two patients at the University of Maryland in 2023, but both lived less than two months.