One in thousands has a mole on their private parts; know what its effect is...


You must have seen many times that people have moles in many places on their bodies. But do you know what the signs of having a mole are and what a mole on which part means? So today we will try to know what a mole on the private part of the body means.

Mole on the vagina

If a woman has a mole on the left side of her vagina, then the woman is very sensual by nature and she can have affairs with many people.

If the mole is on the right side, then the sex drive of women is weak and they may have problems in their relationship with their partner.

If there is a mole just above the vagina, then the woman is attractive and quickly fascinates people with her behaviour.

Mole on Breast

If the mole is on the left breast, it means that the woman is sensual.

If there is more than one mole on the left breast, then such women can be very clever and sharp-minded by nature.

The colour of the mole also has a different significance. If the mole is red, then the nature of the woman will be good. If the mole is of honey colour, then the woman will be clever. If the mole is black, then the woman can be self-respecting.
