Mystery of Moon: Shocking revelation about the mysterious rock moving in space, know what its relation with the Moon

Scientists made a shocking revelation about the mysterious rock moving in space - Photo: iStock
Mystery of Moon: Many claims are made regarding mysterious craters on the Moon. Now scientists have made a big claim about the formation of a crater on the Moon. They say that a unique asteroid is responsible for its formation. This asteroid is currently orbiting the Sun. However, it has never collided with the Moon. Scientists have believed in a new study that rock is responsible for the formation of this crater on the Moon. This had remained a mystery for the past several years.
Scientists were earlier believing that this asteroid might have come from outside the solar system. Now he said that that crater on the Moon was formed due to this asteroid. In the year 2016, scientists discovered a mysterious rock in space, whose diameter was between 130 to 328 feet. Scientists named this asteroid Kamo'Olewa.
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A team of researchers led by astronomer Yifei Jiao of Tsinghua University has provided a hint. According to this, this rock was broken from a geological part of the Moon. It is known as Giordano Bruno Crater. Scientists named this crater after the 16th-century Italian cosmological theorist.
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Research has been published in Nature Astronomy Journal. In this, the researchers wrote that they have discovered the processes of collision-induced transfer of lunar fragments into Earth's co-orbital space. Giordano Bruno crater was formed a few million years ago. This has great potential to potentially lead to Kamo Olewa.
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Researchers said that will directly connect a particular asteroid in space to its source crater on the Moon. It will also suggest the formation of smaller asteroids made of lunar material, which are yet to be discovered in near-Earth space. Astronomers have been fascinated by space rock for years because it orbits the Sun in an Earth-like orbit. Along with this, there is a possibility of remaining stable there for millions of years.
Researchers said that this rocky piece may have once been a part of the Moon. According to spectrum analysis, this rock also completely matches the composition of the Moon. Using computer models, researchers determined that a collision would have separated Kamo'Olewa from the moon and created a 12-mile crater. He said that the Giordano crater of the Moon is correct in this calculation. This crater and the rock must have separated 10 million years ago.