Mahabharata: Why did the queen meet the dead king, which resulted in not one or two but 7 sons, even science believes this

Mahabharat Katha: There is an incident in Mahabharata where after the death of a majestic king, his queen had to unite with his dead body, from which she gave birth to seven sons.
During the Mahabharata, there was a king who has been mentioned as King Vyushitashwa. There is a story associated with him that he had immense powers. When he died, he was childless. Then the queen had intercourse with the body of the dead king, and this gave birth to seven sons.
Actually, in the Mahabharata, this glorious king was mentioned by King Pandu, the father of the Pandavas, to his elder queen Kunti. Pandu was cursed that whenever he would have intercourse with his wife, he would die immediately. He got this curse when he killed a pair of loving deers by piercing them with his arrows.
Then Pandu started living in the forest.
After this curse, Pandu could not have any children. Because if he did so, he would die immediately. Pandu did not have any children till now. He started living in the forest with his two wives Kunti and Madri.
King Pandu was very worried about not being able to have children. One day he told Kunti in private, you should try to have children. In the Mahabharata era, women could have a son from a man of high caste or brother-in-law in an emergency. King Pandu himself, Dhritarashtra and Vidur were born in this way from the union with sage Vyas.
King Vyushitashwa (AI generated image)
How did the dead king give birth to 7 sons?
King Vyushitaksha was the one who gave birth to 7 sons from his union with his wife even after his death. Kunti told this to Pandu. This is mentioned in Rajshekhar Basu's "Mahabharata" , which is very popular in Bengali. Similarly, information about King Vyushitashva is given on page 148 of " Mahabharata: Volume 1" published by Penguin.
This is also mentioned in Kaushiki Books' " Mahabharata Adi Parva English Part 2" . According to this, Kunti told Pandu that if Queen Bhadra met King Vyushitashwa even after his death. She became pregnant. She gave birth to 7 sons. Then you can also create a Manas Putra in my womb with the effect of penance. Then Pandu said, Vyushitashwa was as powerful as a god, I do not have that power.
Who were King Vyushitashva and Queen Bhadra
Now let us know who were King Vyushitashva and his Queen Bhadra. He was the son of King Shankhan of the Chandra dynasty. Vyushitashva married Bhadra, the daughter of King Kakshivat, who was famous for her beauty.
Queen Bhadra (AI generated Image)
In the Mahabharata, Vyushitashwa is described as a righteous king. He is said to have performed a great sacrifice, to which all the celestial deities, led by Indra, came. After this sacrifice Vyushitashwa gained great power. He conquered the kingdoms of all directions through the Ashwamedha ceremony.
It is said that he donated most of his wealth to the brahmins. He was married to Bhadra, whom he loved very much. Queen Bhadra was considered the most beautiful woman in India at that time. They had no children. He died of tuberculosis, then called phthisis. Bhadra was overcome with grief. She intended to die with her husband.
What did Queen Bhadra do after hearing the celestial voice?
Then the celestial voice stopped her from doing so and indicated her to lie down with the king's body on the eighth and fourteenth day of the fortnight. She did as she was told to do. From that intercourse, Bhadra gave birth to seven sons.
Vyushitashwa was the king of Puru dynasty, who was religious and justice-loving. He performed many yagyas. (Image generated by Leonardo AI)
What happened when the queen kept crying while hugging the dead body
According to the mythological encyclopedia, in chapter 120 of Mahabharata Adi Parva, it is written that Vyushitashwa was a king of Puru dynasty, who was righteous and justice-loving. He performed many yajnas. When the king died, Bhadra kept crying for a long time while hugging the dead body of the king. Then the soul of Vyushitashwa, who was out of the body, said to Bhadra, “My love. Sleep with me on your bed on the eighth or fourteenth day of your menstruation. I will give you a son.” She acted according to the wish of the king. She got seven sons from the dead body.
What was the effect of Pandu's words on Kunti?
After listening to Pandu, Kunti said, "Maharaj, if you allow me, I can invoke a deity or a Brahmin with the power of mantras. This will give me a son immediately." Pandu gladly allowed this. Then through this Kunti got sons like Yudhishthira, Bhima and Arjun. When she told this method to her second wife Madri on Pandu's advice, she got Nakul and Sahadev.
What science says:
Based on the evidence found during a study, a team of scientists claimed that 'up to 48 hours after a person's death, his sperm can be used for conception and healthy children can be born from it'.
This study has been published in the 'Journal of Medical Ethics' in which it has been claimed that 'after the death of a person, his sperm can also be deposited in a sperm bank'.
Scientists say that within 48 hours of death, sperm can be extracted from the dead body in two ways, including extracting sperm from the dead body with the help of surgery. Later it can be preserved in the fridge.