If there is a nuclear attack, how will you survive? What should you do first?


Nuclear blast takes place in several stages. After the first blast, devastation spreads for several kilometres. After this, the heat emanating from the nuclear bomb can kill people. Its third stage is radiation.

As the world is moving towards the third world war, the possibility of nuclear attack is also increasing. Russia and North Korea have been directly warning of the use of nuclear weapons. The world saw how deadly a nuclear attack can be about 8 decades ago. After this, such restrictions were imposed on nuclear weapons that nuclear-powered countries have to think 100 times before using them. 

Even though only 9 countries in the world have nuclear weapons, these weapons can cause massive destruction in the world. In such a situation, suppose there is a nuclear attack on the place where you live, then how can you protect yourself from it? What should be done first? Today we will know this. 

How does a nuclear blast happen

There are many stages of a nuclear blast. The first blast causes destruction for several kilometres which is caused by the energy released from the explosion. After this, the heat released from the nuclear bomb can kill people. Its third stage is radiation, in which gamma rays are released which are many times more dangerous than X-rays. These rays can even change the DNA of our body. These can cause fatal diseases like cancer. 

very little time to escape

First of all, it is important to know that the most deadly weapon ever made by humans is the atomic bomb. Its devastation was seen in Hiroshima-Nagasaki. This attack was so deadly that the world is suffering its sting till date. When an attack is made with an atomic bomb, it causes a very fast fallout and so much heat and energy is generated that there is very little time to escape. 

Many countries of the world have built bunkers

Shelters have been built in many countries of the world to avoid nuclear attacks. These underground shelters can protect people to a great extent from nuclear bomb attacks and the risk of radiation is also very low here. A similar bunker named Pindar has been built in Britain, where army and government officials can save their lives in case of a nuclear attack. This bunker is equipped with such facilities that government work can also be done easily from here. 

Radiation is more dangerous

The US Department of Home Affairs has issued guidelines for its citizens. It tells them what they should do during a nuclear attack. The most important thing is that the radiation during a nuclear attack is more dangerous than the explosion itself. The devastation caused by the explosion cannot be stopped, but measures can be taken to avoid radiation. The US Department of Home Affairs has said in its guidelines that looking at the fallout site during a nuclear attack can take away your eyesight, because heat and light are emitted very fast here. Therefore, do not look at it directly. When an attack occurs, radiation spreads for several kilometers, so instead of trying to run away from the place of attack, confine yourself to a house and stay there for 24 hours. Immediately change the clothes you are wearing and keep them in a plastic bag far away from humans and animals, because there is a risk of radiation. To protect yourself from radiation, take a bath immediately and clean the body with soap, do not rub the body too much during this time. Clean your eyes, nose and ears thoroughly with a clean cloth.

Source : Pixabay