Dinosaur carving made in this temple is proof of time traveling, YouTuber claimed!
PC: no.news18
You must have heard about time traveling many times but there is no proof about it. Now a similar picture has come from Cambodia's 'Ta Prohm temple, in which a carving of 'dinosaur' is made. A YouTube explorer visited this temple in Cambodia. He claimed that this carving of a 'dinosaur' proved trim traveling. The name of youtube explorer is Praveen Mohan. He also gave many facts about this.
According to a report in DailyStar, about 65 million years passed between an asteroid hitting the Earth, the dinosaurs being completely wiped out and the first humans evolving and walking the planet. Therefore, it is not scientifically possible for anyone to find stegosaurus dinosaurs carved on temple walls like this.
PC: the daily star
Ta Prohm is one of the temples that is the largest religious complex in the world, which was built for Hinduism in 28 years in the 12th century but was taken over by Buddhists to practice their faith. Centuries-old art can be seen scattered on the walls and sculptures in this temple. The most striking of them is the art - of 'Dinosaur Carving', which challenges our knowledge of dinosaurs and time travel.
YouTube explorer Praveen Mohan says that 'time traveling' should be the only logical explanation for the sculptors to understand the 'dinosaur carving'. Because we don't have any such animals today, they became extinct millions of years ago. Now scientifically this carving should not exist. Hence the sculptor must have seen a dinosaur in real life. Only then he would have been able to make this carving.
Centuries-old art can be seen scattered all over the walls and sculptures, but there is one art in particular that has given rise to conspiracy theories that challenge our knowledge of dinosaurs and time itself.
Praveen Mohan said, 'There is a lot of evidence of time traveling in Hinduism, many scriptures talk about time traveling. So is it possible that the sculptors were capable of time traveling and they were able to carve a dinosaur?'