Chanakya Niti: Never invite these 4 types of people to your house, you will regret it


Although in India guests are considered equal to God, but Acharya Chanakya has told who are those people who should never be invited to your home in life. Doing so is not considered right and a person may have to suffer losses due to it.

Chanakya on Making Friends:Guests have been of great importance in India and they are considered equal to God. While explaining the guests the culture, the verse of Atithi Devo Bhava is considered very important which means that the guest is God. It is said that God can come in any form at any time. In such a situation, guests are considered worshipful in Hinduism. But Acharya Chanakya has said in his policy that not all types of people should be invited to your home. Otherwise, instead of benefit, you can see loss. According to Acharya Chanakya, we are telling who are those people who should not be invited to your home.

Negative People

It is said that one should keep distance from those people in life whose thinking is negative. Such people are never happy in life and also pollute the environment around them. One should neither make friends with such people nor invite them to one's home.

People who are not able to trust

There are many people in life whom it is difficult to trust. And the basis of any relationship is trust. If there is no trust in your relationship then it means there is no intimacy in it. Such relationships

People of Bad Habits

People who are involved in many bad habits in their lives should be kept away from such people. Everyone must have heard the saying 'Jaisa Sangat Wahi Rangat'. A person gradually starts becoming like the person with whom he lives. In such a situation, Chanakya says that you neither keep in touch with those people who are involved in wrong deeds nor ever invite them to your house.

Opportunistic people

There are some types of people in the world who do not care much about relationships and such people only want to take advantage of themselves. In such a situation, even if they come to your house, they find some selfish excuse for it. In such a situation, one should keep a distance from such people who are always looking for some opportunity or the other.
