Baba Vanga Predictions: Baba Vanga's predictions that are coming true! Will the destruction of the world really begin in the year 2025?


Baba Vanga: Baba Vanga has made many scary predictions for the coming years including 2025. So far Vanga's words have proven to be true. So read here Baba Vanga's predictions for the coming years.

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Baba Vanga Predictions

Baba Vanga Ki Bhavishyavani 2024: Baba Vanga's eyes could not see the world but she had seen the future of the country and the world. Before her death, Baba Vanga had made such predictions about the world that everyone was stunned to hear them. She had made many predictions including the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the death of Princess Diana, the 2004 Thailand tsunami, Barack Obama becoming the President and the 9/11 terrorist attacks in America, which later proved to be true. Baba Vanga has made many such terrible predictions, which if come true, then the destruction of the world will be considered certain. 

Baba Venga's prediction for the year 2025

Baba Vanga had predicted that in the year 2025, a terrible conflict will start in Europe, which will cause great destruction everywhere. This will affect the large population of the continent terribly. The population of Europe will decrease a lot. In such a situation, the world may move towards collapse in the coming year.

Other predictions of Baba Vanga

Baba Vanga had predicted that climate change could have serious consequences in 2033. The melting of ice will cause a huge rise in sea levels across the world. She had said that in the year 2170, the world will face severe drought due to global warming. In the future, this situation will become serious and the earth may be destroyed in 3797.

According to Baba Vanga's prediction, there may be a war between Earth and Mars in 3005. The world will end by the year 5079. By 3797, it will become impossible to live on Earth, due to which humans will have to take refuge on another planet. According to Vanga, in the year 5079, everything will be destroyed from the Earth and the world will end.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on religious beliefs and folk beliefs. There is no scientific evidence for this. NC does not provide any proof of the truth of any thing.)