Don't make this mistake while driving after sunset, otherwise you will be fined Rs 1500!

Due to a small negligence while driving, you can get a traffic challan of thousands. Many times, knowingly or unknowingly, we make such mistakes that we have to regret later. I agree that you have been driving for years, but do you know that if you drive without lights after sunset, you can get a challan?
90 percent of people are not even aware of this. Today we will tell you under which section of the Motor Vehicle Act a challan will be issued if a person drives without lights after sunset. We will also tell you how much challan you will have to pay for the first mistake and if you repeat the mistake again and again, how much challan will you have to pay each time?
Motor Vehicle Act: Challan under which section?
Under section CMVR 105/177 of the Motor Vehicle Act, if you drive without turning on the lights after sunset in Delhi, a traffic challan of Rs 500 will be issued for the first mistake. If you repeat this mistake, you will have to pay a challan of Rs 1500 every time. Note that the amount of the challan may vary in different states.
Why is light important?
If you do not turn on the headlights while driving after sunset, it can lead to a road accident. You must have noticed that there is no divider in the middle of the road in many places, in such a situation, if you do not turn on the headlights, you may collide with the vehicle coming from the front.
In such a case, the fault will be yours because, without headlights, the person coming from the front will not be able to know that you are also driving ahead. Use headlights to reduce the risk of accidents.