Are hybrid cars more beneficial in the city than on the highway?


The rising price of petrol, diesel and CNG is forcing car users to switch to hybrid cars. Companies like Maruti, Honda and Skoda have launched hybrid cars for this reason, but due to less knowledge about hybrid cars, many car users avoid buying them.

Some people believe that hybrid cars have less mileage in crowded conditions like petrol, diesel, and CNG cars, whereas these cars give mileage like other cars on highways. If you are also thinking like this, then we are telling you about it in detail here.

A hybrid car has more mileage than a petrol car

Hybrid cars give more mileage than petrol, diesel, and CNG cars. Actually, hybrid cars have an electric motor along with the petrol engine, which the car runs with the help of this electric motor after the engine is cut off after a certain speed. In simple words, hybrid cars are more beneficial in the city because the electric motor is used in them. Whereas, petrol engine is used on the highway.

A hybrid car is better in crowded conditions.

Hybrid cars run on stop-and-go traffic function. Due to this, hybrid cars give more mileage than petrol, diesel, and CNG cars in crowded conditions. Also, due to higher mileage, the operating cost of hybrid cars is low and the resale value of these cars is also good.

Hybrid car beneficial for the environment

Hybrid cars are better for the environment than petrol and diesel cars, because these hybrid cars release less carbon dioxide (CO2) than petrol-diesel cars. If it is said that the demand for hybrid cars is going to increase in the coming times, then it will not be wrong.