What are the signs of blinking, know what future results they indicate!


PC: lokmat.news18

Even today there are many old beliefs in Sanatan Dharma that are considered superstitions. At the same time, some people also believe in its scientific reason. One such belief is related to the fluttering of the eyelids. Some people consider it inauspicious, but there are both religious and scientific reasons behind it. Oceanography is the in-depth study of the function of all human organs. According to the scriptures, the meaning of the twinkling of eyes is different in men and women. The fluttering of the eyelids of the left eye of women and the right eye of men is considered auspicious. Let's find out what happens when the eyes blink.

According to Samudra Shastra, auspicious results are obtained when the right eye of a person blinks. So it is believed that all their wishes will be fulfilled. There are also possibilities for monetary gain and promotion. On the other hand, it is a kind of unpleasant symptom in women. It is considered inauspicious for them. It is believed that the work done or performed by a woman can go bad.

PC: Zee News

According to Samudra Shastra, if a woman's left eye twitches, then it is an auspicious sign for that woman. It is said that a woman whose left eye blinks gets good money. Also, if the left eye of a man twitches, then there is a possibility of injury to the person.

PC: India.com

Scientific reason

According to scientific reasons, twitching of the eyes is due to some kind of tension in the muscles. For example, not getting enough sleep on time, being under stress, being too tired, or working on the laptop for a long time can also cause twitching of the eyes.