Travel Tips: Pink is the color of these three lakes of the world, must visit to see beautiful views!


Photos of Pink Lake are very popular on social media. They are not photoshopped in any way. In fact, these lakes are naturally pink! These lakes are mesmerizing. But why are these handful of lakes around the world pink? These beautiful-looking blushing lakes are caused by the growth of certain microorganisms and other salt-loving bacteria that outnumber other microorganisms.

These bacteria also naturally produce pink pigment and this phenomenon is a rare occurrence. The pink color indicates the salinity of the water and it goes down with time when the salinity level of the water goes down. There is no scientific logic behind these pink lakes, they are definitely a fascinating place to witness the natural beauty.

#Lake Hillier, Australia

When it comes to naturally pink lakes around the world, Australia's Lake Hillier tops the list. Nestled between dense forest on one side and the sea on the other, Lake Hillier is located on the Middle Island of Western Australia. This pink lake is very different from other lakes found anywhere in the world. While other hypersaline lakes change the shade of pink depending on the temperature and change of season, this lake remains pink throughout the year.

The cause of this permanently pink lake remains a mystery but some scientists believe it is a combination of pink and orange pigment-producing algae with salt-loving halobacteria. Although the lake cannot be visited as it is highly protected for research purposes, it can be viewed from a heli ride over the lake.

# Lake Rose, Senegal

Lake Rosa, also known as Lake Retba, is located on the edge of the Cape-Vert peninsula of Senegal, about 25 kilometers from Dakar. The lake can be seen very clearly in the form of sand dunes. The lake also has pink and orange pigment-producing algae commonly found in Australia's Lake Hillier but unlike that lake, its color varies from deep to pale pink from season to season. Due to its extreme salinity levels, the locals make it a point to extract, harvest and sell the salt which provides employment to over 2,500 people.

#Lake Coloradas, Mexico

Lake Colorados in Yucatan Mexico is one of the Pink Lakes. The history of this lake goes back to the time when the Maya were a flourishing civilization in Mexico. They carved out these natural lakes and used them to harvest and use the salt found here when the water level receded during the warmer months of the year. Currently, a company is responsible for extracting and selling the salt found in these lakes, which has the capacity to produce over 750,000 tons of salt a year. These clusters of small lakes are filled with microorganisms containing beta-carotene and vitamins that are responsible for the pink color of the lake. The lake's salt toxicity levels are so high that humans are banned from swimming in them.