Travel Tips: If you go to Andaman-Nicobar, do not do this work even by mistake, otherwise you will get trapped


People always choose good places to visit, but let us tell you that you should also know the prescribed laws of the place where you are going to visit. Otherwise, you may be in trouble there as well as you may have to go to jail. In such a situation, telling you about Andaman and Nicobar Maldives 

Do not smoke in Andaman and Nicobar

If you are going to visit Andaman and Nicobar, then take care of one thing and that is that you do not have to smoke here. Here you cannot smoke in public places. Not only this, the use of plastic is completely banned here. If you commit both these mistakes then you may have to pay a heavy fine.

Do not take photos of tribals

Along with this, you also have to keep in mind that you do not have to make videos or take photos of the people of Andaman's native tribes here. Doing so is considered a crime here, as well as you do not have to take photos of any unknown person, not only this, you should not do swimming while intoxicated.