Tech Tips: What is Proxy Server? By which one can stay online even without the internet...


Meta-owned WhatsApp introduced a new and special feature on the occasion of the New Year. It will allow you to send messages to your people on WhatsApp even when there is no internet. This feature was named proxy support. Let us know what is this proxy server. What is this method, by which one can stay online even without the internet?

Proxy means proxy or representative or in place of another. A Proxy server is a server. In the Internet world, a proxy server acts as a bridge between users and the Internet. A proxy server is a system or router that acts as a gateway between users and the Internet.

The proxy server acts as a gateway
Many times any website is blocked in your school or office. If you want to open that website then it will not open normally. Although through a proxy server, you can operate any blocked website. It is a system or router, which acts as a gateway between users and the Internet. Proxy means taking the place of someone else or acting on behalf of someone else. In the same way, a proxy server acts like a middleman between you and the internet.

How proxy server works
Proxy servers are used to access block websites or prevent cyber attacks on private networks. When you open a blocked website through a proxy server, your identity (IP address) is hidden on the Internet and an IP address is shown on which that website is not blocked. In this way, the proxy server creates a bypass connection between you and the internet server. In such a situation, the website does not know who is accessing it from where.