SKIN CARE: Skin tone has started changing in the changing season, so know some home remedies to deal with it


The weather changes three to four times a year and each time its effect is felt on your skin. Now that the temperature has started rising, it can take away the complexion of your skin. That's why it is important to follow some tips from now on.

With the change in the weather, many types of changes start appearing on the skin. In such a situation, most people are troubled by the problem of dry skin. Skin problems start increasing due to the lack of collagen. To get out of this, Grape's face pack works to get rid of many concerns related to the face. Grapes, which are delicious to eat, can be applied on the face in the form of pulp. By mixing it with other ingredients and applying it on the face, a glow appears on the skin (weather changes affect the skin).

Grapes rich in vitamins, minerals, potassium, and anti-oxidants work to keep the body hydrated. Anti-oxidants found in Vitamin C-rich grapes help keep the skin healthy and youthful.

Skin problems and their solutions in the changing season

1. Problem of uneven tone

Apply Kiwi and Grape Pulp to normalize the appearance of dark spots, tanning, and uneven tone on the face. To make it, take two tablespoons of curd. Make a paste by mixing one Kiwi chopped and 5 to 6 grapes in it. Now apply it on the face with the help of your fingers. Leave it like this for a few minutes. Then wash it with normal water.

2. Dark circles will go away

Sleeping by applying grape pulp under the eyes overnight helps in getting rid of dark circles. Apart from this, the skin around the eyes can also be nourished by applying grape seed oil under the eyes.

3. Moisturize dry skin

Use it as a moisturizer to make the skin glow. Mix half a bowl of grapes with 5 to 6 strawberries. After that make a thick paste of them and apply it on the face. Wash it off after keeping it on the face for about 10 minutes. This will not only give a glow to the face but will also eliminate the problem of open pores.

4. Remove unwanted blemishes

Grapes rich in Vitamin A work to increase collagen in the skin. Blemishes that appear on the face after an age can be removed with grapes face pack. For this grind one tomato and three to four grapes and make a pulp. Add a few drops of rose water to this mixture. You apply this face pack on the face and neck. After 10 to 15 minutes wash the face with cold water.

5. For instant glow

For this, take one teaspoon of chamomile juice and mix it in the grape pulp. Add one spoonful of sugarcane juice to it. Now apply this solution to the face. After applying this mixture, sit down and let it dry for some time. Wash the face after it dries completely. You can apply this pulp on the face twice a day.

6. Problem of oily skin

For this, take one spoon of Multani Mitti. Mix one spoon of rose water in it. Now mix two spoons of grape pulp in it. Mixing all these will make a paste. Apply this paste to your neck and face. Leave it on the face for 5 to 10 minutes. This will solve the problem of excess oil present in the skin. Along with this, the problem of premature wrinkles on the face will start ending automatically.