Relationship: If you want to bring warmth in the relationship, then you have to do only this work..


The initial life of a couple is full of freshness, but with time, the romanticism and relationship also start decreasing. In the hustle and bustle of life, there is either a lack of time for romance or there is no warmth in the relationship as it was in the beginning. The result of this is that the emotional attachment between the partners also decreases and eventually mutual estrangement and bitterness starts coming between the two. Many types of tips are tried to make the broken relationships last. Many types of efforts are made for this, but in a recent study, very easy solutions have been given.

What the study says
In fact, in the news of Jerusalem Post, citing research, it has been told that if there is equal participation of the couple in household chores, then the freshness in sexual relations always remains intact. According to the study, if couples share equally in house cleaning, utensils, broom-mopping dusting, etc., then all this proves to be very effective in increasing the sexual relationship in their life. It has been said in the study that if only the woman in the house cooks food, cleans utensils, cleans the house, and washes clothes, then by the end of the day, she becomes very tired. In such a situation, sexual desire becomes boring. This is the reason why women start getting disappointed. But if the partner also does household chores together or by sharing, then the woman gets less tired and has more energy while having sex.

This is the kind of desire
This study has been done by researchers from Swinburne University of Technology in Australia. In this study, 299 Australian women were included and they were asked some online questions related to sexual desire. Researchers asked them some personal questions related to sexual desires. The study found that women's sexual desire is multi-dimensional. There are mainly two factors involved in this. The first is solitary sexual desire. It is an internally motivated desire for the satisfaction of sexual frustration and to achieve specific sexual needs. The second is the desire after being emotionally attracted to someone. It is derived from emotional closeness and intimacy with a person. The study found that women are more likely to emotionally have sex if there is an equal division of household chores. The researchers reported that people who reported working as equals were more satisfied in their sexual relationships.