Recipe of the day: Make and feed chocolate sandwiches to children! Click here to know the recipe



Chocolate - 250 grams

Bread slices - 6

Butter - 3 tsp

Raisins - 2 tbsp

Chopped pistachios - 2 tbsp

Mozzarella cheese - 2 slices

Chopped cashews - 2 tbsp

Chopped almonds - 2 tbsp


To make a chocolate sandwich, you have to take chocolate and cut it into pieces. After this bread slices have to be taken and the pieces of chocolate have to be spread on them. Now put finely chopped cashews, almonds, pistachios, and raisins on it and spread it. After this, cheese slices have to be kept on top, and bread slices have to be covered with it. After this, apply bread butter and bake the sandwich. Your chocolate sandwich is ready.
