Physical Relationship: These 5 signs show that your male partner is not perfect for sex


Physical Relationship: Physical relationship between couples plays an important role. But if your relationship has just started. You are thinking about being intimate with your partner. If you do not know whether your partner is perfect to have sex or not, then you can know about them from these signs given here. Because many times couples are very excited to have sex but the experience of a physical relationship is very bad. It ruins your relationship. In such a situation, here are some pointers. Through these, you can know whether your mail partner is perfect for sex or not. Let us know which are these signs.

Not express feelings
Male partners should not hesitate to hug and touch you. Hesitate to express your feelings. Even if both of you are alone then. This is not a good sign. There can be many reasons for this to happen, either you are completely unattractive to them, or they are very polite, or they have psychological or sexual problems.

If a man discusses bad things about his ex-partner with you, then it also shows a negative side of him. You will never know how their past relationship was, but you too can be included in their future list. Where they can humiliate or insult you in front of any other girl.

Show off
If he talks to you about his past intimate life. This tells how well they perform on the bed, so you should not get caught up in their words. A mature male partner never talks like this.

Lack of sense of humour
If your male partner lacks a sense of humour, then they will be equally boring in bed. Would be very tiring and boring. Any little thing can bother them.

High speed life
Notice how your partner eats, drinks and walks. If they do everything very quickly, it means that they will not enjoy sex as well. They just have to finish everything quickly. They would not like to waste much of their time on this.