HEALTH TIPS: If you want to keep your heart healthy, then include this healthy recipe of beetroot in your diet.


Sago and beetroot both are beneficial for heart health. Experts are telling the method of making sago and beetroot kheer.

Healthy food is very important to stay healthy. We all eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and its products. Along with foods rich in minerals and vitamins, the right amount of carbs and proteins is also necessary for a healthy body. Come, let us know from the expert about a healthy food beetroot and sabudana kheer which is prepared in an instant.

Rich in nutrients

Nutritionist and Ayurveda expert Dr. Aparna Padmanabhan explains Healthy Beetroot and Sabudana Kheer in her Instagram post. It is not only rich in nutrients but is also easily prepared.

Ingredients required to make healthy beetroot and sabudana kheer:

  • Half a cup of sago.
  • Take half a cup of brown or rock sugar. If you have diabetes and you feel like eating it, then you can use artificial sugar.
  • 300 grams beetroot, steam it.
  • 2 cups of milk, if you follow a vegan diet, you can also have plant-based milk like almond milk and cashew milk.
  • 1 tbsp crushed cashews, ½ tsp cardamom powder, 1 pinch saffron
  • 1 tbsp crushed pistachios

Here's a quick recipe for Beetroot Sabudana Kheer

  • Wash the sago thoroughly. Soak it in 2 cups of water for 1 hour.
  • Soak powdered sugar in half a cup of water.
  • Peel off the beetroot and grate it. Blend milk, cashews, and beetroot in a mixer. Mix them all. Boil this mixture in a nonstick pan on low heat. Mix saffron, and cardamom powder in it.
  • Strain the water of the sago. Add 3-4 cups of water in a vessel and mix sago. Cook it. Add this cooked sabudana to the beetroot mixture. Your Beetroot Sabudana Kheer is ready.

Here are the benefits of beetroot

Rich in essential nutrients, beetroot is a great source of fiber, folate (vitamin B9), manganese, potassium, iron, and vitamin C. Apart from water, and protein, it also contains carbs and fiber.

Beetroot rich in Vitamin B9 helps cells to grow and function. Folate plays an important role in controlling damage to blood vessels. Due to this, the risk of heart disease and stroke can be reduced. Beetroot is beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes. Beetroot is a superfood.

Here are the benefits of Sabudana

It contains nutrients like calories, carbohydrates, fiber, protein, fat, calcium, iron, magnesium, etc. Sago is a good source of energy. It is easy to digest and prevents constipation. It is a rich source of carbohydrates. It has a cooling effect on the body. Sabudana Khichdi with Vegetables and Peanuts is a great food option for pregnant women.

But it should not be used every day. Being rich in potassium, sabudana can help promote healthy blood flow. It controls blood pressure. It reduces the stress on the heart and reduces the chances of stroke and heart attack.

How is Sabudana prepared?

Sago, also known as tapioca pearl or sago or sago. A starch extracted from tapioca roots. It looks like a pearl. It is rich in carbohydrates, which makes it an energy booster.