H3N2 Influenza Virus: Warning! If you want to avoid H3N2 Flu, then know these 8 things, understand the warning of influenza


H3N2 Virus: The ever-increasing influenza virus H3N2 in the country has raised concern. The cases of cold-cough, cold and fever are increasing. Now it is also becoming fatal. According to health experts, flu cases increase with the change in weather, but this time more patients are coming forward. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) informed a few days ago that cases of cold-cough fever have increased due to exposure to A subtype H3N2 of the influenza virus for two to three months. The number of infected patients has also increased in hospitals. Learn in 5 questions how dangerous this virus is, and who is more at risk.

When should I get tested for H3N2?
According to health experts, when the cases start increasing rapidly and they become serious, in that case, H3N2 should be tested. The investigation becomes necessary even when the patients are not recovering or the influenza virus is not caught. According to the doctor, this time there are more patients with dry coughs. Most patients recover without treatment.

When to understand that you are in the grip of H3N2?
running nose
high fever
wet cough in the beginning and then a dry cough for a long time
chest congestion
muscle and joint pain
body fatigue
sore throat

In how many days do H3N2 patients get cured
According to health experts, most patients get cured of fever within a week after coming under the grip of influenza, but cough gets cured in two or more weeks. That's why it is advised to take precautions during illness.

Why are influenza cases on the rise?
According to the doctor, our immunity has become weak due to corona. In such a situation, viral infections are increasing very fast. For this reason, their seriousness is also increasing. Earlier it was thought that after Kovid, diseases like influenza would reduce but it turned upside down and now there is an increase in viral infections, which affect the upper respiratory tract.

How dangerous is H3N2?
According to health experts, most people get cured without any medical care after coming into the grip of this virus, but in many cases, it can be serious and fatal. According to WHO, most cases of high-risk patients are fatal.

Who is most at risk from H3N2?
According to health experts, people of all ages can fall prey to influenza. Pregnant women and children below 5 years of age are most at risk from this. The elderly and those who are in the grip of any disease should also be careful. Healthcare workers are also at higher risk from influenza.

How to avoid H3N2?
According to WHO, you can easily fall prey to it by going to crowded places. If someone is in the grip of influenza and he coughs or sneezes, then this virus can reach another person's body. That's why the mouth should be covered while coughing or sneezing. Hygiene should be maintained. One should keep washing hands frequently.

What should be done to avoid H3N2 flu?
Avoid going to places of gathering. Do not shake hands and wear a mask.
Do not touch your eyes and nose repeatedly.
Cover mouth and nose while coughing and sneezing.
Do not spit in public places.
Take the medicine only on the advice of the doctor.
Eat food sitting far away.