Grow Hair: Apply oil like this to increase hair growth


Grow Hair: In today's time, everyone wants long, thick, and black hair, but sometimes due to lack of nutrients, poor lifestyle, and use of the wrong products, hair starts falling a lot. Due to this, the hair becomes very light. Oiling is very important to nourish the hair and make it grow faster.

By applying oil in the right way and the right amount, hair grows twice as fast and many hair problems are also easily overcome. Many people apply oil to the hair, but still, the growth of hair is not that good because applying oil in the wrong way can cause many types of damage to the hair and can also stop its growth.

When to apply oil to increase hair growth

To grow hair faster and strengthen them, massage hair with light oil 1 to 2 times a week. To keep hair healthy, apply oil before shampooing. Applying oil before shampooing the hair does not make the hair weak and break and it also avoids getting too dry.

Applying Grow Hair oil to the hair nourishes and strengthens them from the root. Oiling of hair should be avoided after shampooing because there is a risk of dust-soil and dirt sticking in the hair, which can damage the hair and also affect its growth. You can choose coconut oil and mustard oil for applying hair oil. At the same time, oil can be made at home to increase hair growth.

How do apply oil to Grow Hair?

Grow Hair To apply oil to the hair, make the oil slightly lukewarm. Take oil on your hands or fingers and start applying oil to the hair like the front roots. Try to apply oil to the root of the hair first. While massaging the hair, note that avoids rubbing the hair with your palms as doing so can weaken the hair and break it. After applying oil to the roots of the hair, apply oil to the hair with a light hand. So that their dryness can be removed.

After applying oil all over the hair, massage with light hands for 10 to 15 minutes. By doing this, blood circulation becomes faster and helps in hair growth.

Leave the oil on your hair overnight or for 2-3 hours.

After that wash the hair with a mild shampoo.

By applying oil to the hair in this way, the hair becomes healthy and strong and it grows twice as fast. Oil can be applied in this way to increase the hair. But keep in mind that if you have done any treatment on your hair, apply oil in this way only after consulting a hair expert.