Food Tips- If you are going to buy oranges, then follow these tips to know whether they are sweet or sour.


As the weather changes , its impact on our dietary choices becomes apparent. At times like these , there is a collective desire to include foods and fruits that strengthen immunity and ward off diseases. One such fruit that often gets included in our nutrition plans is orange . Famous for its vitamin C content , which is important for strong immunity , oranges also contain abundant amounts of potassium , which lowers blood pressure and the risk of stroke while aiding in preventing kidney stones.

But problems arise when pristine oranges, purchased with enthusiasm , find themselves discolored or sour upon closer inspection at home. If you often face this problem , the following simple tips can help you get sweet.

Analysis of Orange Peel:

Start by examining the orange peel. Thick peel may indicate sourness. It is advisable to avoid oranges if there are blemishes on the peel ,as they may be rotten on the inside. To identify a fresh and juicy orange, gently squeeze and rub the peel. If you notice a slight oily residue on your hand , it indicates freshness.

Weight matters:

Always choose heavy oranges. A heavier fruit generally indicates better quality. Keep in mind that the weight of an orange is proportional to its size. Choose oranges that are firm on the surface and have a good texture.

quality check:

While buying oranges, it is most important to pay attention to their quality. It can be challenging to distinguish good quality oranges from the myriad of options available in the market. However , the consensus is that navel oranges are often considered the tastiest of the different varieties.