Dessert Corner: Make these delicious coconut laddus for dessert, know the recipe here...


Coconut is rich in many nutrients and this is the reason why it is recommended to be included in the diet during pregnancy. You can eat coconut in many ways, one of which is coconut laddoos. By the way, there are many recipes for coconut. In which coconut is used. Apart from coconut laddoos, coconut barfi can also be made, it is also very easy to make. But today we will learn to make coconut laddoos. So let's know about it.

Raw coconut - 200 grams (grated)
Sugar - ½ cup
Ghee - 2 tbsp
Small cardamom powder - ½ tsp
Cashew - 8-10 (chopped)
Almonds - 8-10 (finely chopped)
Milk - 1 cup
Saffron or food color - optional

-First of all, wash the coconut and grate it finely.
-Then put a pan on the gas on a low flame.
-Put 2 tbsp ghee in it and heat it.
-Fry some cashews and almonds in ghee and take them out.
-Then add grated coconut and fry while stirring.
-Keep stirring it after a while so that the coconut does not stick to the pan.
-Now add milk and mix while stirring and then add roasted cashews and almonds and fry.
-Then add sugar and stir while stirring and keep the flame low.
-When the syrup sticks to the coconut, switch off the flame.

-Now let it cool down a bit.
-Then take it in hand and prepare small round-shaped laddoos.
-Laddus are ready.

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