Beauty Tips: To get rid of the problem of sun tan, follow these tips


The season of summer has started and with that, the play of the hot sun has started. By going in strong sunlight, its direct effect is visible on your skin and harmful UV rays damage the skin. Tan accumulates on the skin due to strong sunlight, pollution, and soil dust which works to reduce our beauty. To get rid of this tan, you can adopt some methods.

Strawberries and raw milk

You have to take 5 strawberries in a bowl and mash them well to remove the tan deposited on the skin. Mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of raw milk in it and apply it on the face and neck. After 15 minutes it has to be cleaned. By doing this continuously, you will see the benefit.

Lemon and Potato

Apart from this, lemon and potato can also be used. For this, take potato juice in a bowl. Lemon juice has to be added to it and after that, both these things have to be applied to the face and neck with the help of a cotton ball. You will see the difference.