Beauty Tips: Pumpkin enhances the beauty of the face, use it in this way


Many people use natural things like potato, papaya, cucumber, lemon, and gram flour to enhance the beauty of their faces. You will be surprised to know that pumpkin is very useful in enhancing the beauty of the face.

Pumpkin contains nutrients like potassium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, vitamins A, E, C, B-6, and niacin, which are beneficial for the skin. You can use a pumpkin face to bring an instant glow to the face.

You can make Pumpkin-Lemon face pack in this way: Prepare a paste by mixing one tablespoon of pumpkin, one tablespoon of honey, one teaspoon of lemon juice, and one teaspoon of vitamin E oil in a big bowl.

Prepare it in this way: Now apply this face pack on your face and neck for twenty minutes. Using it once a week will improve the face.