Beauty tips: From cracked heels to pain, camphor is the best! Click here to know how to use it


There are many benefits of camphor, today we are going to tell you the benefits of applying camphor paste. Camphor has many antibacterial and antiseptic properties. In such a situation, you can get many benefits by applying it, which we are going to tell you today.

Ringworm-Itching bothers anyone a lot, you can make a paste by grinding camphor and mixing it with a clove or mint oil. After which you have to apply this paste on ringworm every night while sleeping. Herpes will be cured after some time.

On burning- If your hand gets burnt then applying camphor paste is very beneficial. You can prepare a paste or cream of camphor to heal burn wounds.

Cracked Heels- Use camphor and coconut oil for this, it provides moisture to the skin. Grind camphor and mix it with coconut oil and apply it on cracked heels.

In pain- Applying camphor on the skin gives relief from pain and swelling. You can make a paste by mixing camphor, turmeric, and eucalyptus oil and using it.