Health Tips: Take care of the children and elders of the house in winters like this


The winter season is going on at this time and it is getting so cold that you would not even feel like going out. In such a situation, you should be fully aware of how to take care of yourself, your children, and the elders of the house in this cold. Otherwise, you may come under the grip of this cold wave that continues this season. 

How to protect from cold wave

If you are also troubled in this cold and if you want to protect yourself from cold waves in this cold, then wear more and more layers of clothes. These clothes should be loose-fitting, light, and woolen. Keep your head, neck, and hands covered. By doing this the body will remain warm.

Increase immunity

Along with this, you should include vitamin C-rich food in your diet. For this, you can use fruits, vegetables, juices, drinks, etc. Drink plenty of warm liquids to keep yourself hydrated. Also, eat some hot things which help in keeping your body warm.