Health Tips: Eating excessive fruits is injurious to health, obesity can increase! Know more...


Including fruits in your diet is considered healthy. But many studies have revealed that apart from juice and sweetness in fruits, there are many things which are not considered beneficial from the point of view of health.

There are many fruits like banana, watermelon, pineapple, mango and litchi which are known to increase the sugar. The fructose included in these fruits works to increase the sugar level, so diabetic patients should not consume such fruits at all.

Consuming fruits with high fructose also has a bad effect on the brain. These are good to satisfy hunger but increase the heat of the mind. Due to excess fructose, problems like neuroinflammation, brain mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress can surround.

Fructose not only causes diseases like obesity, brain and diabetes but also harms the liver. This leads to the accumulation of fat in the liver, which is not at all good for our health.

A sugar called fructose increases uric acid in the body, which increases arthritis and kidney-related problems and can take the form of the disease in future.