Health Tips: Eat these 7 superfoods to avoid cold and cough in cold weather...


The winter season brings many diseases with it. The problem of colds and flu is common in this season. In such a situation, nutritionists recommend including many superfoods in the diet. These superfoods help protect you from seasonal diseases. They are rich in nutrients. They help protect you from the damage of free radicals. Along with including these superfoods in the diet, it is also very important to exercise regularly and get good sleep. Let us know which superfoods you can include in the diet.

Garlic has anti-bacterial properties. In winter, you can also add garlic to the vegetable. You can also consume it after roasting it. It helps in fighting the infection. Consuming garlic in winter is very beneficial for health.

Turmeric milk
Turmeric milk is very tasty and healthy. This helps in increasing immunity. It helps in preventing cold, cough and cold. It helps in increasing your immunity. You can also include black pepper in turmeric milk. You can consume this milk after sleeping at night. Consuming this also gives good sleep at night.

Tulsi is worshipped in Hinduism. Tulsi is full of medicinal properties. It helps in increasing immunity. It works to remove the viral infection. You can consume Tulsi in the form of decoction and tea etc. It helps to save you from many health-related problems.

Almonds contain Vitamin E. It contains minerals like zinc. They work to protect against colds and coughs. Consuming almonds helps in strengthening the immune system. You can consume almonds as a snack.

Amla contains Vitamin C. Its intake helps in increasing immunity. It has antioxidant properties. It helps in protecting you from the problem of cold and flu. You can consume Amla in the form of juice etc.