Health Tips: Blood sugar level can be controlled with these 5 leaves.. Consume this way in the morning..


Herb For Diabetes: If someone gets sugar or diabetes, there is no cure for it. This is such a problem which is related to lifestyle, if a little change is made in the lifestyle itself, then it can be controlled. Today we are telling you about some such Ayurvedic herbs by which you can control blood sugar levels.

Tulsi leaf- Tulsi has been used in Ayurveda for many years, many such nutrients are found in it, which protect the body from many serious diseases. Tulsi helps to protect us from infection. If you are suffering from diabetes, then boil basil leaves and consume the water early in the morning. This can reduce the blood sugar level. A study published in the Macedonian General of Medical Scientist examined the effect of using an extract of the herb on rats with diabetes. It was found that it reduces the sugar level to a great extent.

Insulin leaf- Insulin is such a plant whose sugar can be controlled by chewing its leaves. It has great importance in Ayurveda. It is known by names like crepe ginger, kumul, keekand, pakarmula, pushkarmula. By chewing insulin leaves, the metabolic process of the body improves. Wash and grind the leaves of insulin plant and mix it in a glass of water and drink it daily in the morning.

Curry leaves- Curry leaves also help in controlling diabetes. Fibre is found in abundance in curry leaves. It slows down the digestion process. This has been revealed in the NCBI report. According to research, the anti-hyperglycemic element present in curry leaves is effective in controlling blood sugar levels. Curry leaves also work to increase insulin.

Guava leaf- According to a study by NCBI, guava leaves have medicinal properties. Anti-hyperglycemic properties are found in the juice of its leaves, which help in controlling the blood glucose level. This is the reason why in many countries including Japan, China, to control diabetes, tea made from guava leaves is made and consumed. If you boil guava leaves in water and drink it, blood sugar will also be under control.

Mango leaf- An extract called mangiferin is found in mango leaves, which can prove to help reduce blood glucose levels. Along with this, mango leaves are also helpful in improving insulin and distributing glucose. That's why these leaves are considered good for normalizing blood sugar levels. If you wake up in the morning and consume water from mango leaves, then it is possible to get the benefit.