Hair Care Tips: The secret to disappearing dandruff is hidden in lemon juice, know the right way to use it...


Lemon Juice Can Reduce Dandruff: Scalp skin becomes scaly due to dandruff. Although dandruff is not a serious condition, it can promote itching and irritation which can be difficult to treat. To get rid of dandruff, many types of remedies can be used, but lemon can help in eliminating this problem from the root.

Lemon-containing Vitamin-C works to clean the scalp and remove dryness. However, excessive use of lemon juice can dry the hair, but using it carefully can get rid of many problems. Let us know how lemon can be helpful with dandruff.

How does lemon work
Like many citrus fruits, lemon is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and citric acid. This combination of vitamins makes it easy to maintain the immune system and hair health. Lemon balances the pH level of the scalp to get rid of dandruff, thereby strengthening the hair. Also removes the extra oil present in the scalp. Regular use of lemon can also help in repairing damaged hair cells.

How to use lemon for dandruff
Lemon can be used for deep cleaning of hair and scalp, but it is necessary to consult an expert before using lemon juice.

Apply direct
Lemon juice can be used directly on the scalp. It can be used instead of shampoo or conditioner and can also be used as a pre-shampoo. Applying lemon to hair and skin and leaving it for some time can give better results. You can apply it to the scalp twice a week.

Mix in
Lemon juice can be applied by mixing it with some household items like coconut oil and sugar. Applying these three things together can exfoliate the scalp. It can act as an excellent exfoliating scrub.

Possible side effects of lemon
Like any product, direct application of lemon juice can cause many skin problems.

-damaged hair