Hair Care Tips: Take care of hair in these ways in winter, dandruff will be reduced...


Many people are troubled by the problem of dandruff in winter. To avoid this problem, you can use some natural things. These things help in keeping the scalp clean and healthy. Let us know what things you can use to keep the scalp clean.

Aloe vera - You can use aloe vera for hair. For this, you can mix Vitamin-E capsule in Aloe vera gel and apply it. It helps in removing the dryness of hair.

Onion juice - You can apply onion juice to the scalp in winter. Mix onion juice in coconut oil. Massage the scalp with this for some time. After this wash the hair with a mild shampoo. It works to remove dandruff.

Curd - You can use curd to remove dandruff. For this, take some curd in a bowl. Add one spoonful of mustard oil to it. Mix both these things and apply them on the hair and scalp. Leave it on for about an hour. After this wash the hair with a mild shampoo.

Coconut oil - You can also use coconut oil for hair and scalp. For this mix camphor in coconut oil. Massage the scalp with this for some time. Let it stay for 2 to 3 hours. After this wash the hair and scalp with clean water.