PAN Card: You can easily improve your PAN card with this process 


PAN card has been included in the essential documents of the people. Now it is needed from making a bank account to making a passport. Many people fill wrong details in the application while applying for a PAN card. Due to this, they may have to face trouble. Today we are going to give you information about how you can easily improve it sitting at home.

The process of making these corrections:

First of all, visit the official website.

Now you have to visit the change or correction section on the website.

Here you have to select the option of Correction in PAN Card or Reprint PAN Card and click on it.

You can improve it. For this, the relevant documents have to be uploaded.

Now you have to pay.

After this, note down your transaction number.

Now fill in all the necessary information in the form in front of you.

By doing this your PAN card will be updated.

PC: tv9hindi