PAN Card Update: Do you even have two PAN cards, if you have then you are stuck, no one can save you


In today's time, PAN card has become so important for the people that you cannot think about it. If you have any work in government schemes or any office, then it is very important to have a PAN card. In such a situation, if you have a PAN or have lost it and you have made another and are using it, then there may be trouble for you. 

Let us tell you that if you do not give information about your lost PAN card to the Income Tax Department, then your PAN number will remain active and the other PAN card too. In such a situation, you will have not one but two PAN cards and keeping two PAN cards will become a problem for you. According to the information, this work legally comes under the category of crime.

As per the rules of the Income Tax Department, you should have only one PAN card. If you have more than one PAN card, then you IT department can take action against them under the Income Tax Act and impose a fine of Rs 10,000.