IRCON announced recruitment for Engineer posts, check the details


IRCON International Limited invites applications from eligible and interested candidates for Engineer posts on a contract basis. Detailed information regarding the application and selection process will be published on the career portal

Here are more details about the vacancies:

Civil Engineer: 31

Works Engineer/Electrical: 2

Works Engineer/S&T: 1

For Civil Engineer vacancies, candidates having full-time Bachelor's degrees in Civil Engineering from AICTE/UGC-approved universities with at least 60 percent marks can apply.

Full time recognized degree in Electrical Engineering with 60 percent marks is required for the Electrical Engineer post.

For an S&T post, a full-time engineering degree with 60 percent marks and specialization in any one of the following domains is required:

Electronics Engineering.

Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

Electronics and Communication Engineering.

Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering.

Apart from this, all the candidates must have at least one year of work experience in the relevant fields.

The upper age of the applicants should not exceed 30 years as on March 1, 2023. Selected candidates will receive a fixed consolidated fee of ₹36,000 per month.